Pencil drawing by PencilHB


Common heros - Telephone

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Telephone ring = telephone drawing

September.04.2013      DIN-A4      11.7 x 8.3 inch


That 'thing' is placed at the left edge of my desk.

Every time it rings, I am startled...

I could put it further away - no, then I would have to get up.

Every time it rings, I am startled...

Well, actually I belong to an elite of communication!
Yeah, that's true - I do not own a cell phone. I was never the owner of such a device.
If I'm travelling, I allow myself the 'luxury of inaccessibility'!

Every time it rings, I am startled...

When I was born, there was no way to make phone calls from my home village.
When I was little, we had no telephone in the house. To call someone, we had to go to the village-center and take with us appropriate money for the pay phone.
Maybe only three times a year - certainly not more.

Every time it rings, I am startled...

Later we got a ‘phone-connection’ directly in our house. A dark red Telephone with turntable.
At the beginning I had to concentrate when someone wanted to know my number.
It was strange, that a number belongs to me.

Every time it rings, I am startled...

Today it is quite normal: You want to talk to someone - you make a call.
We make calls out of boredom, even if it's not important.
Sometimes it's important - sometimes it saves lives.

Why am I startled when it rings?

I probably never got used to it...



top/left predrawing (pencil)
top/right blackshading (pencil)
bottom/left softshading rough (graphite-powder with fingers)
bottom/right softshading smooth (graphit-powder with folded paper)
bottom hardshading (pencil)

final drawing



Papernormal printer-papier (DIN-A4...A6)
normal sketchbook paper (DIN-A3)
Pencil HBfor pre drawing, fine lines, area-darkening and graphite-powder
Eraser(2 x 2 x 0.6 cm) for area-lightening
Eraser(small - at the end of a pencil) to smear graphite-powder
Sandpaperto produce graphite-powder with the HB-pencil
Paper handkerchiefto smear graphite-powder or for blurring (wide areas)
Fingerto smear graphite-powder or for blurring (middle areas)
Pen with
bicycle tube
to smear graphite-powder or for blurring (small areas)
Cardboardto smear graphite-powder or for blurring (tiny areas)
Eraser-templatesimple construction with a gap (1 x 30mm)
Eraser-templatesimple construction with a gap (1 x 2mm)
Extra papersto protect areas

Version March.15.2015

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