Pencil drawing by PencilHB


Inverted - Cliffdiving

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Cliffdiving = cloud drawing (inverted)

December.25.2013      DIN-A4      11.7 x 8.3 inch


Acapulco (Mexico) - sunset 8:17 p.m.

‘In Acacpulco, we jump from about 20 meters into the crystal-blue water. From here the distance is nearly 25 meters.’

‘During the jump, we have the impression of a huge space opening below us. That's because of the overhanging rocks.’

‘The start is important. We need to overcome a forward distance of 4 meters, because the rock wall first slightly arches outwards.’

‘There are only two seconds of free fall, but it seams like an eternity to each of us.’

‘With a speed of over 50mph we reach the top of the water.’

‘Body tension is extremely important - you can feel how the water first decelerates the upper body during the dive - the hips and legs push further forward. At this moment five times of our body weight affects us.’

‘But we do not dive deep - only three or four meters – that’s all.’

‘Before each jump, I look down and get used to the view - I do this until I calm down inside - a deep tranquillity - then I close my eyes for a moment and take a few steps back - after a short run I push off with all strength and get into the gliding position.’

‘When your body is slowly turning to the water, you feel like an eagle.’

‘In twilight it is an extra experience - below are boats with torches - we jump into a ring of fire...’



I inverted the original picture (on the computer) into a bright version - with that I made the bright drawing. After that I scanned the drawing and inverted it on the computer.

This is the prototype for this technique. Therefore, some places are slightly 'rough' - with my new experience I would do some more improvements .

This time the pre-drawing and the black shadows are only minimal, so I'll spare them and put the inverted images side by side.



Papernormal printer-papier (DIN-A4...A6)
normal sketchbook paper (DIN-A3)
Pencil HBfor pre drawing, fine lines, area-darkening and graphite-powder
Eraser(2 x 2 x 0.6 cm) for area-lightening
Eraser(small - at the end of a pencil) to smear graphite-powder
Sandpaperto produce graphite-powder with the HB-pencil
Paper handkerchiefto smear graphite-powder or for blurring (wide areas)
Fingerto smear graphite-powder or for blurring (middle areas)
Pen with
bicycle tube
to smear graphite-powder or for blurring (small areas)
Cardboardto smear graphite-powder or for blurring (tiny areas)
Eraser-templatesimple construction with a gap (1 x 30mm)
Eraser-templatesimple construction with a gap (1 x 2mm)
Extra papersto protect areas

Version March.15.2015

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