Pencil drawing by PencilHB


Comic drawing - Pope

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Pope = comic drawing

June.06.2014      DIN-A4      11.7 x 8.3 inch


Press Release May 27, 2014
Pope Francis declares the sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests as a betrayal of God and has compared these actions with a satanic mass.

One moment please, what?

Ordained priests, the elite circles of the Christian Church, whose life runs under all conceivable 'holy' rules, celebrate something like a satanic mass?

If there were 'evil spells' in the fairy tales and legends, there always was a 'good’ counter spell.

These prayers, the songs, the music, the sacred gestures (cross themselves), prostrating in front of the altar, the incense, the blessed supper, the body parts of saints, exorcism and especially the hats and dresses of the cardinals – all that should have no effect?

What about the indulgence (the Holy share) - at the end, even that doesn’t work?


Whoa, now that I think about it: a repentant sinner that confess bad actions to an ordained priest, has to do penance (a kind of reparation sentence). Why should that make a difference when the priests even for themselves don't have a method that works?

Press Release July 11, 2007
Pope Benedict XVI referred to the Catholic Church as 'alone blessed-making' faith.


This means, that there is a clear claim to 'make a difference' and that the faith of the 'non-supporters of this church' is not supposed to work. But as everyone can see, the beliefs and faith actions of the Catholic Church don’t work either.

That fits 'like chalk and cheese'.

Well, I suspect that even the use of the Latin language is for nothing...

This problem basically can be extended to all religions:
How could all the bad things happen in the past, although the perpetrators were under the influence of a religion?

This is an important question, because it should be clear what a signal it would be, if the followers undoubtedly would be good people. That would be a very strong indication of the correctness of this religion. Instead, (in this respect at least) we have rather 'second-class' religions around us.

If you look into history, it seems to be standard, that religions have not spread by 'the knowledge' (alone), but (also) have been imposed by force.

Religions are quite inventive in the penalties for 'apostates' and threatening consequences (torment in the after life). In contrast, the religious methods to avoid such 'sins / consequences', either are non-existent or not very effective.

A religion that would be perceptible successful in 'improving the believers', would fill ‘a gap in the market’ and thus automatically would have an unique position.

Probably there will never be such a religion, because it would be exactly verifiable - everyone would see it, if something is changing - well, religions don’t 'like' that...



1. Bones
2. Basic figur
3. Clothes and tools
4. Shading
5. Finished drawing

final drawing



Papernormal printer-papier (DIN-A4...A6)
normal sketchbook paper (DIN-A3)
Pencil HBfor pre drawing, fine lines, area-darkening and graphite-powder
Eraser(2 x 2 x 0.6 cm) for area-lightening
Eraser(small - at the end of a pencil) to smear graphite-powder
Sandpaperto produce graphite-powder with the HB-pencil
Paper handkerchiefto smear graphite-powder or for blurring (wide areas)
Fingerto smear graphite-powder or for blurring (middle areas)
Pen with
bicycle tube
to smear graphite-powder or for blurring (small areas)
Cardboardto smear graphite-powder or for blurring (tiny areas)
Eraser-templatesimple construction with a gap (1 x 30mm)
Eraser-templatesimple construction with a gap (1 x 2mm)
Extra papersto protect areas

Version March.15.2015

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