Pencil drawing by PencilHB


Abstraction - Me Myself and I (egoism)

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Me Myself and I, egoism and altruism

April.01.2014      DIN-A4      11.7 x 8.3 inch


The Trinity of selfishness: Me, Myself and I :)

It is possible, that basically every action is selfish motivated.

I could not clarify, how much egoism has its origin in our survival instinct.

To be selfish can make sense. But it can easily be exaggerated – because of that, the term 'egoism' often has a negative meaning.

Definition of ‘negative selfishness’: someone does not choose an alternative route, although the path taken is clearly harmful to others.

What is the opposite of selfishness? It is the ‘altruism’, a 'selfless act'.

Aha, then it is better to be an altruist, because then the 'evil selfishness' is not within me – very good!

Well, no:
just like selfishness, altruism stimulates the reward center in our brain. This suggests that altruism is exactly like egoism only with another review - so to speak: an altruist is a ,brutally selfish helper' :)

This drawing is an experiment. From time to time, I would like to draw pictures with a 'little abstractation'.

For that reason I looked interested at abstract art styles. The ‘abstract guidelines' are not easy and I soon realized, that it makes little sense to draw pictures for which you need an instruction manual.

I have therefore decided to use my own ‘style’ for abstract contents: drawings are almost always abstract, they are two-dimensional illusions. I want to make the abstract character a little more clearly, so that both sides are there: the illusion and the abstract style.

This drawing doesn't show an abstract content, but a realistic motif with a certain degree of abstraction.

For this picture, my abstraction rule was:
Irregular cut and move, but the ‘overall object’ should still be recognizable.



top/left predrawing (pencil)
top/right blackshading (pencil)
bottom/left softshading rough (graphite-powder with fingers)
bottom/right softshading smooth (graphit-powder with folded paper)
bottom hardshading (pencil)

final drawing



Papernormal printer-papier (DIN-A4...A6)
normal sketchbook paper (DIN-A3)
Pencil HBfor pre drawing, fine lines, area-darkening and graphite-powder
Eraser(2 x 2 x 0.6 cm) for area-lightening
Eraser(small - at the end of a pencil) to smear graphite-powder
Sandpaperto produce graphite-powder with the HB-pencil
Paper handkerchiefto smear graphite-powder or for blurring (wide areas)
Fingerto smear graphite-powder or for blurring (middle areas)
Pen with
bicycle tube
to smear graphite-powder or for blurring (small areas)
Cardboardto smear graphite-powder or for blurring (tiny areas)
Eraser-templatesimple construction with a gap (1 x 30mm)
Eraser-templatesimple construction with a gap (1 x 2mm)
Extra papersto protect areas

Version March.15.2015

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